First 100 Days


My first hundred days of serving Smith County as District Judge can be described in a short phrase and defined by strong action: kept promises.

Ready to work on day 1

I got right to work the very day of my swearing-in.

Smith County District Clerk Penny Clarkston handing me my first caseload minutes after I took the oath of office

Smith County District Clerk Penny Clarkston handing me my first caseload minutes after I took the oath of office

Giving $10,000 back to the taxpayers

As promised, at the very first Commissioners Court meeting after being sworn in, I formally notified the County Judge, Commissioners, and the Smith County Auditor that I would not be accepting $10,000 of the salary supplement that the county provides. This amount represents the traditional compensation for serving on the Smith County Juvenile Board. I know first-hand that this money has better uses in the hands of those directly serving the children of our community, and that’s where I want it to stay.

I stated in my letter to the Smith County Auditor that often, elected officials tout their love of community service when they are running for office but suddenly expect to be paid for it after they are elected. I hope to lead by example in ending this trend.

Streamlining the criminal case process

Significant progress has been made to streamline the criminal case process. I have worked with the district attorney’s office to implement new procedures that will result in cases being moved more efficiently. This streamlining process will result in thousands of dollars in savings for taxpayers.

Addressing mental illness

Protecting taxpayer dollars, Smith County jail staff, and inmates continues to be a high priority. I have been working with Sheriff Larry Smith to improve early identification of inmates with mental illness. Addressing these issues more quickly will not only improve jail safety for all but will also decrease taxpayer costs. 

I am very proud of the strides we have already made to strengthen Smith County, and I couldn’t do it without your support.

In gratitude,


Austin Reeve Jackson
Judge of the 114th District Court, Smith County

Please help us continue this work and our communication with you. If you are able to contribute, please follow the link below. 

We have until March 3, 2021 to accept contributions.

Leah Wansley